Dad didn't do much letter writing and that's why I saved all of his---sure wish now I'd saved all of Mom's. This first letter relates to my purchase of a car; he begins with a reference to cousin Reeva whom I had apparently learned from Mom that he'd written to (and wondered aloud why he hadn't written to me, unless Reeva was more important to him than I was).
March 10, 1965
Dear Ruthie,
Well sure your more important than Reeva, I wonder if she ever got that note, I never heard from her.
27,000 m. is what we put on the Ford these four years we've had it. Don said the 57, 58, & 59 Fords all have good motors and that they don't overhaul them until they have at least 100,000 m. on them. I wish I could see the car and try it out, I could tell if it was good buy or not.
But aren't you afraid a car will keep you broke? You can't always believe what a dealer tells you about gas mileage either. To keep a car running will call on your pocketbook rather frequent and to there is quite a bit of responsibility. First you need a Title, car license, insurance, gas, oil changes, grease jobs, tires, and for repairs. I could go on and on, but in case you'r anoid, I'll write about the cows doing fine, 2 large ones due to freshen now, and one the 28th.
I'll have just about enough hay, am feeding more grain than ever. It's been a very hard winter especially for Mom & I. good thing our health is good or we couldn't work so hard. She has been working almost full time lately.
Lawrence Bixby is coming tomorrow to fix our well and its getting late so I'd better ring off. Hoping you'll excuse this pencil and this new fashen writing paper.
Fri. June 18, 1965
Dear Ruthie
Mom felt too tired to write last night, so she convinced me to do so.
She has to work next Monday so we will try for the Mon. after to meet you at Taylor Falls.
I was over to see Marshall about baling hay. Can't do any baling before the later part of next week. So if we aren't involved in haying no doubt will meet you at the Falls.
Jon's job ends next Tue. I was hoping to have him here for haying.
Mom brought home two young rabbits for Kathy yesterday. She has been preparing cages and huts the past few days.
Leon Schreoyor was out yeaster afternoon we went across the river to look at the timber, he will pay me $6 per cord for stumpage.
It seems hard to decide on a place for Jenean's wedding, but then she can always elope.
There still hasn't anything arrived here in the line of a sommons for you, and I hope there won't. [I was in trouble with the law for selling encyclopedias without a license.]
Guess this about all I can think of now.
Feb. 12 1977
Dear Ruthie
I suppose you will be surprised to hear from me, but Jennine said you was having problems with hemroids. Well about 25 years ago I had occasional problems of that kind and I sure can simpathise with anyone else that has it. So with my experience I hope to give you a few tips.
The bests remedy I can sugest is mineral oil perhaps about a table spoon full at betime, and if you should go to bed and forget it, be sure to get right up and take it. I had no more hemroids after taking mineral oil. . . . [I will spare the reader graphic instructions that follow.] Now this is a funny letter and very poor writing, but I hope you will go over it often enough times so you won't miss any instructions.
P.S. Don't wade in cold watter.
Don't sit on a cake of ice. [Dad must have had a sense of humor that I failed to recognize.]
March 10, 1965
Dear Ruthie,
Well sure your more important than Reeva, I wonder if she ever got that note, I never heard from her.
27,000 m. is what we put on the Ford these four years we've had it. Don said the 57, 58, & 59 Fords all have good motors and that they don't overhaul them until they have at least 100,000 m. on them. I wish I could see the car and try it out, I could tell if it was good buy or not.
But aren't you afraid a car will keep you broke? You can't always believe what a dealer tells you about gas mileage either. To keep a car running will call on your pocketbook rather frequent and to there is quite a bit of responsibility. First you need a Title, car license, insurance, gas, oil changes, grease jobs, tires, and for repairs. I could go on and on, but in case you'r anoid, I'll write about the cows doing fine, 2 large ones due to freshen now, and one the 28th.
I'll have just about enough hay, am feeding more grain than ever. It's been a very hard winter especially for Mom & I. good thing our health is good or we couldn't work so hard. She has been working almost full time lately.
Lawrence Bixby is coming tomorrow to fix our well and its getting late so I'd better ring off. Hoping you'll excuse this pencil and this new fashen writing paper.
Fri. June 18, 1965
Dear Ruthie
Mom felt too tired to write last night, so she convinced me to do so.
She has to work next Monday so we will try for the Mon. after to meet you at Taylor Falls.
I was over to see Marshall about baling hay. Can't do any baling before the later part of next week. So if we aren't involved in haying no doubt will meet you at the Falls.
Jon's job ends next Tue. I was hoping to have him here for haying.
Mom brought home two young rabbits for Kathy yesterday. She has been preparing cages and huts the past few days.
Leon Schreoyor was out yeaster afternoon we went across the river to look at the timber, he will pay me $6 per cord for stumpage.
It seems hard to decide on a place for Jenean's wedding, but then she can always elope.
There still hasn't anything arrived here in the line of a sommons for you, and I hope there won't. [I was in trouble with the law for selling encyclopedias without a license.]
Guess this about all I can think of now.
Feb. 12 1977
Dear Ruthie
I suppose you will be surprised to hear from me, but Jennine said you was having problems with hemroids. Well about 25 years ago I had occasional problems of that kind and I sure can simpathise with anyone else that has it. So with my experience I hope to give you a few tips.
The bests remedy I can sugest is mineral oil perhaps about a table spoon full at betime, and if you should go to bed and forget it, be sure to get right up and take it. I had no more hemroids after taking mineral oil. . . . [I will spare the reader graphic instructions that follow.] Now this is a funny letter and very poor writing, but I hope you will go over it often enough times so you won't miss any instructions.
P.S. Don't wade in cold watter.
Don't sit on a cake of ice. [Dad must have had a sense of humor that I failed to recognize.]
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